When firing a unit of salamanders (2 or more) am I required to have the salamanders all fire at the same unit? Can I have one fire at a unit of...
You might want to reread the EOTG ward save ability. It only works on shooting/magic attacks. Also only on those that originate 12 away from the...
I thought about you said and threw this together. Slann 2-disc (rumination, loremaster (light)) plaque of prot bsb Scar Vet Burning blade...
My friend and I are participating in a team tournament coming up on the 8th. We both get 1600 points and we must use the ally rules from the BRB....
For 1500 pts or less I would run a Skink priest and a saurus oldblood or scar-vet. Once you get higher than 1500 pts go for a slann and a unit of...
Would the lore attribute heal the steg while regrowth brings back the riders? Almost a 2 for 1? Or do you have to finish the wounds off the steg...
How about on war machines? In the book it says war machines fail all characteist, save for toughness and leadership. But the crew actually has a...
I like playing against High Elves. With or without Teclis. I run my solo slann with lore of light and love to watch my opponents complain when my...
I know I can recover wounds that my stegadon has taken with the lore atribute from the lore of life. Can I bring back the skink crew with the...
I have to write a 2250 points "defense" list. I have walls surrounding me with an enemy trying to assault the walls. I can have up to 10 models on...