you right....that would be a much better build :) unfortunately it uses 135 points of magic items =/
I would do him as a mage hunter. Nothing better than having a Slann Vs. only your opponents lv 1 or 2 backup caster. I play lots of nasty elveses...
Sadly your right on the Slann =/ "Additionally, while they have the troop type Infantry, they are never considered to be 'models on foot' for the...
Hurrah! The great mystery is solved, thank you gewaltatron! Regarding you question i can't say I can give you an answer definitively but I can...
Good stuff. Ya i really like those stories. In the first it mentions a skink priest who knows ancient nehekarian which is really interesting and...
I have been working on a project writing a Southlands Fandex (it kinda went on hold 3 months ago when I figured I would wait for the new codex to...
Technically he can't even join units.....but that is silly just put him in a unit and if someone complains then your playing with trolls.........
Here's my take on the Venerable Lord Kroak. I would rank lord kroak as the second best special character (after Tetto) in the new book. I think...
Lol sorry everyone i shouldn't have put the question about characters..... I didn't mean to make this another threat arguing about the same thing...
Lots of different threads are popping up discussing the uses of units in the new book. I would like some insight into what people think about new...
I am trying to write a history of the Southlands fluff starting from the exodus of the Old ones and Chiccotta martyring himself to save the...
So I have been running a unit like this pretty effectively in games. The rules are a bit hazy but at my store we compared them to ogre kingdoms to...