Ditto, Wood Elves would make an awesome ally. I'd be happy with Dwarves, too...the other grumpy faction that just wants everyone else to stay out...
Excerpts from Revelation 6:1-8, New International Version "I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the...
"A Golden Crested Skink alone entered the last vault, the ponderous door swinging closed behind him. At his presence, [lights running?] through...
Captain Saurus: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
The Southlands, now we're talking! Makes sense to me. An exodus from Lustria, rediscovering the Southlands, making room for new characters, and...
Yeah, I know...I just got a laugh out of the idea when I read that.
Good answer, SilverFaith. That does make a difference.
Yup. What we definitely need is an uber-Skink Chief, geared up for close combat with all sorts of special rules and magic items...all of which...
Why didn't anyone proofread it for typos? Also, the comment near the beginning about falling profits...where did that info come from? Can...
There was a time when I did a lot of painting, and then a time when I didn't...my paints dried up, and one day I got the bug to do some painting....
Yeah, unfortunately dragons aren't much help as a starting point for a color scheme. As imaginary creatures themselves, they can be be whatever...
Yeah, my plan for the White Lions I may face is to lead them around by the nose with my Skinks all game. If I take High Magic, Arcane Unforging...
Well, I really miss the old Blade of Realities that auto-killed if the enemy failed a leadership test...what a way to take out monsters and other...
Well, I'm not the most experienced on here, but I think the following would be a good start: - If you're going to convert Skinks, give them...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Things I wish Mazdamundi would command: 1. "Prepare the spaceport; the Old Ones arrive next...
Thanks! I'll find one of those and give it a try.
I got some skinks from a friend that were painted pretty poorly...I re-sprayed them with primer, but it didn't stick well, and came out cracked,...
Yeah - I get a kick out of the parody aspect of it. Makes me wonder what would have happened if Christopher Columbus had landed here in the...
Actually, I do want both of those things. Dreaded 13th can be cast on the Slann if he's alone - all it takes is one cast with irresistible force...
You know, I've had that Cold One Rider thought too...one the one hand, it seems like a waste of expensive combat troops...but really, maybe 13th...