Go to the Tactica Index, and read as much as you can. It will help you. I basically never have less than 3 units of 10 Skink Skirmishers,...
Let's say we're fighting Ogres, and we whip out the Piranha Blade (and this applies to Stegs with Sharpened Horns, and Carnosaurs as well). We...
I have one Kroxigor model. My friends and I usually proxy pretty heavily, but as more of my army is getting painted up and filled out, I lean...
This is my understanding of how the rules of charging and fleeing should be applied...but I want to check it with all of you before using this on...
Facing Orcs and Goblins? Walk Between Worlds is perfect for removing Mangler Squigs and Fanatics. Cast it on a unit of Skinks (or whatever), and...
Also, fluff-wise, I love what Qupakoco wrote...and I'd add, why not associate them with Xlanhuapec, the City of Mists? That's a nicely shadowy...
I agree with Qupakoco, I think the army looks like a challenge, but could be really effective - and lots of fun! I wonder about the massive unit...
Yeah, I was surprised at the BSB...I thought he was going to get shot to pieces, but a single Skink Chief on a Terradon just doesn't seem like a...
Well, I thought about your advice, and dropped the Krox, as well as reducing the Rippers to 4. I added in a Skink Chief BSB on a Terradon -...
Basti. You have a Saurus unit and TG, and in an all-comers environment you're likely to run up against the enemies that the Initiative boost will...
My friends and I are going to do a round-robin, in which I'll be facing the following: Dark Elves High Elves Orcs & Goblins I expect to see Witch...
My dear fellow denizens of Lustria Online, It seems to me like an unusual number of threads in the Tactics Forum have become focused on debates...
Anyone know of a battle report in which we could see a big cohort like this in action?
I agree with rychek that this spell is devastating vs. T3 troops, and should make Elves cry. However, I wouldn't reserve it for T3 stuff, and...
Ditto. I thought the Spawnings added a great element of customization to the army, and I wish they would bring them back! That, and I, too, wish...
Alright, so I'll amend the "Hunting Band" rule to: Oxyotl's Hunting Band: One unit of Chameleon Skinks in the army may be upgraded to Oxyotl's...
I'm due to play a buddy of mine who plays Orcs & Goblins. Greenskins have a lot of options available to them, but I can pretty much count on two...
Alright, I like what's going on here! @ Pinktaco: I actually don't think his 4+ revive is too crazy. Or, more specifically, I think it depends...
Alright. I think Oxyotl is the coolest special character in our book - I mean, he was sucked into the Realm of Chaos, LIVED, and CAME BACK to...
Ditto all that about the Lore of Fire - Skaven offer some pretty good targets for Fireballs, Flame Cages, and Flaming Swords. Consider Light, too...