I just took a Bastiladon in my first game with the new book (finally!). To be honest, I kept forgetting about the Beam in the Magic phase...until...
A note on Squig Hoppers: These are excellent anti-Skink units, for a few reasons: 1. Random Movement means they don't have the usual restrictions...
Re: Taticts against Night Goblins Yup. I just played an allied game with High Elves against one big Waaagh!!!. My buddy thought we should ditch...
Re: lizardmen vs empire 1200 points (1st fantasy battle ever Haha...it's a pretty funny thing when Skink Cohorts "crush" anything! Well done!...
Also, 6 Chamos is 72 pts, not 60.
Here's my 2k list just waiting for a buddy of mine's army. This is the same guy we crushed in a team battle a couple of months ago. He's since...
Yeah, I like durable units, so I've never actually fielded an Oldblood or Scarvet like this...but oh, how I want to see one of these mini-monsters...
Yeah, Maiming Shield lets you build an Oldblood with 9 Attacks. Maybe not the most strategic build, but he'll tear rank and file to pieces.
Albion, even beyond being "Britain", is a parody of the island of Avalon, the magical island protected by impenetrable mists in Arthurian and...
I like the list...though going without magic is going to be hard on your Saurus. I'll add that a great weapon is another good choice for the...
Nope, max 25% Lords and 25% Heroes, by points. You may be remembering previous editions, when force organization worked differently.
Awesome - JWK47, I was going to add a follow-up post today referencing your Skink Cloud w/Metal vs. WOC battle report. Perfect example of what I...
Thank you, Scalenex, for another helpful tactical tool! I'd like to point out a couple more points of (theoretical) synergy I see between Metal...
Scar Vet, Cold One, Armor of Destiny, great weapon. I don't have a lot of experience with these guys, but this seems like a natural choice to me....
Krox on their own have a role to play, too, but they're more situational. 3 or 4 Krox have a smaller footprint than a Skrox unit, making them...
I think he means, he's playing AGAINST Ogres soon, using Lizardmen.
To me, learning to use Skinks is one of the great joys of playing Lizardmen. Every time my opponents think they've got Skinks figured out, I...
Overall, I would call that a well-rounded list. Two different kinds of combat blocks, Skirmishers and Chamos, and some Salamanders. I'm curious...
Also, the first Scar Vet is illegal for multiple reasons. As has been mentioned, 2 magic weapons is not fair game... also, a Scar-Vet can only...
Saurus are awesome...Core units. They can fight off the Core of most other armies, and you can count on them to stick around when the odds are...