Re: Next AOW lizardman If the tail is still in question, I've always wanted a lizardman with a tail like a uromastyx (my pet Tecko is badass)...
It was probably removed for being outdated - they updated their entire paint range recently so all the painting guides they had use names and...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Holy sweet awesome. I just found my Kroxigor
Otherwise, Thin layer of Sculpey on a metal/glass sheet that's ovenproof. Before you bake it, use a pin or something to score the lines in it....
I believe recreating GW's intellectual property would be considered breach of their copyright and is probably not allowed on this kind of forum....
Hope so! I couldn't figure a way to get the engine of the gods in though - the real engine is far too big for a mournfang. I'll never be... This can also help - you upload the image you like and it'll pick which colours to use to get that...
yeah noticed that when posting and took care of it
Busy week! Finally finished the Temple Guard, who has actually been almost done for most of the week -.-' procrastination is bad. [attach]...
Stick em full of javelins and leave em for the buzzards. I look forward to seeing your plog :P skinks r teh best.
Actually to err.... share one of my deepest darkest secrets.... The entire list of steps there to achieve the blending on my temple guard takes...
surprisingly easy :P Unfortunately I'm slack and am still using a few of the old colours, so you might need to do a bit of conversion at your...
Haven't ordered from them, but basically it comes down to how the parcel is labelled and declared. Generally if you ask them to label it as goods...
Not to toot my own horn, but I've recently been playing with colour schemes and have a couple similar to the images you posted: [attach] [attach]...
I've been playing around with a mournfang today while waiting for various gnarly smelling substances to dry on an unrelated project (oddly enough,...
Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Kroxigors done 18/7 Really love the scales on their backs! They look almost crystalline. Did you do some conversion...
I use superglue exclusively nowadays, except for basing. I used to use the poly-cement stuff for plastic but I just got frustrated with how long...
Hows about: [attach] [attach] [attach] Quite like this one. Kind of... sunset-tiger-hawaian shirt. I like the idea of teal and black...
Rawr! Thanks for all the feedback and comments :D I appreciate it. It's nice to know the drug-trip paint scheme meets with approval. I spent a...
Looks okay to me. Tbh, the height difference doesn't look noticeable. If it worries opponents, just have a cutout of a stegadon's outline in your...