WB. I have no idea. Never saw it. But WB
Re: Next AOW lizardman I hope you are going to post when these become available. I love the newest one.
Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande The scar vet is looking pretty cool. But having revisted that post i noticed the...
Can't the skaven shoot into their slaves anyway? Sounds bad. I think he had it right from the start. That 2+ save is sounding mighty nice.
I see a lot of problems with them heroes. First thing, you can only take one item in each group per hero. And you cannot have more than one of...
only 1500. probably wont run but 1 warp cannon and 1 or 2 teams at most. They got to attach to a block if i remember right. And I doubt he'll have...
No I don't think so. But casually yeah. It's bad rules and game play mechanics to have a spell be useless to an army. I'd rather a spell be...
impressive green stuff work. I'm jealous of that skill. I'm awful. Ought to look great painted up.
I think ethereal sounds pretty awesome. I would be terrified to run a solo slann. Half my usual opponents are elves with too many bolt throwers....
I thought don't put points totals. o.O Don't tell that green name ^
I think you should start with the games workshop paints. It will help you a lot. The new set lays out base coats, layers, shades, and hilights...
Looks awesome. What about EoTG? I think you should add the fur. I hate them bald spots haha.
I'm a fan of the blue and purple one as well as the other.
I love your colors. Esp the skin tone on your lord. Nice call with the green tongues too. Shields look real nice. But I most say, normally not a...
Amazing work. Having seen your Carnisour, your future projects sound just as amazing. Can't wait to see those. I love the idea of your skittle...
I'm pretty excited. I'm gunna give it a shot for sure.
I actually don't know anything about how much, when or where to get it. But that is a pretty good point. I suppose I could open it up to all krox...
On th issue of time, He says this model will be available soon and be posting details. I was thinking 3 months to get it and paint it is fair?...
As far as judging i was planning on not using a poll primarily. Instead a judging sheet. Anyone can be a judge. no limit on the number of judges,...
So I once had the idea for a painting contest featuring one of our owns sculpted krox. I think you all know who i'm talking about. Since if you...