Re: Yet to be names Lizardmen army! How is the saddle's scale? Skink sized or bigger?
Thankfully it didnt effect my current lists. Though it is going to take a toll on my friend's vc list. One more question. That means you can't...
My entry is finished and currently showcased in SeBM's Dec Monsters thread on page 6. Voting starts the 16th. This is for sure my best painted...
I've really been hoping to see you do a slann conversion. Glad to hear it's in the plan down the line. That is, if it's safe to assume you are...
Yeah. Looks awesome but strim.uphill is an amazing sculpter. He makes it look easy, but if you are like me and not a sculpter that will take you...
I haven't dropped it yet. It chips by holding it i swear. haha. Size of the picture?
Oh haha. I knew that. I'm dumb. I was thinking miss casts. Like metal slann have good mojo or something. And it was superstition that resin mages...
I think I am almost done! So how many pictures should I send? Two? Three I hope. Does the size matter? Should I just PM them to you? Also any...
Blending is really good. The skin looks awesome. Wish I could blend like that.
Yeah. That is pretty spot on. I can't wait to see him all painted up/based. I really want to see how he turns out with the grass being pushed...
I don't get the reference. What don't i know?
Re: Yet to be names Lizardmen army! Yeah, I'm just conserned about the scale. It's on a 50 mm base so to me the girl looks to be bigger than a...
I'll have to do the same when i get to modeling him. And maybe cut down some of the longer teeth too. Despite my critiques I should say I do like...
I honestly like all 3 heads I've seen for him. Even the first one that no one seemed to like. But this newest one looks the most like a kroxigor...
Nice paint job. I don't really like the eyes. But hey mine wont turn out that good. It may be the model. I've seen the model painted a few times...
I can't wait to see those guys all painted up. Some of your best work I've seen.
Re: Yet to be names Lizardmen army! So I found these cool Skink looking things online that i want to use as my handlers, but they don't list...
Is it General Tsssss-thsssss? He can't do near as bad in the painting compition as he did in the game. >.< Maybe he can win some honor back.
Topek extra spell thing? Doesn't a slann already get all the spells in the lore anyway?
So I'm really new and I'm sure it is in the rule book somewhere, but I was wondering if the kroxigor in mixed units count as core? Also does the...