I use a whole lot of green-stuff and super-glue on one of my models, and just fashioned it to look like (badly done) muscle. I just couldn't get...
This is what I have: Lords: Slann: Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Becalming Cogitation, Sun Standard of Chotec, Cupped Hands of the Old...
I use them a lot as a unit of six. They've proved... Okay. With Fear (and combined with Iceshard Blizzard) I killed several Woc, caused the unit...
I was pretty certain that's what was going to be suggested - they're on my shopping list! Thanks guys! =D I know for a fact she's sporting a few...
So in about a month or two I have a 2,000 point match (or several) against a friend who uses High Elves. It's pretty competetive - but I only...
That was just me being creative, I think. I reformed and they were around 8 inches away.
For our 4vs4 game we did: 3d6 Power dice = total Dispel pool = highest + lowest Then each sides General (it was one for Order, one for...
So, I figured i'd do like a semi-story like description of my battle a few weeks ago. It's probably terrible: my excuse is that it was written at...
Not got hand weapons yet - but spears have helped a lot for me. I'm all for the extra attack.
Lord: 205 Old blood /w Light Armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, The Maiming Shield Hero: 90 Skink priest /w Diadem of Power OR Dispel Scroll...
HPA I took two wounds off with a single squad of Skirmishers (my normal Skinks also did 2 wounds to a vermin lord). The HPA is a horrible thing....
I'm not nearly skilled enough to convert the razordons, even if they do look awesome. Old Salies look good, but I like the Jurassic Park/Frilled...
This is what I currently have left: SM: Apothecary (Metal, painted to Ultramarine army, IE White with blue shoulder pads) Techmarine (Metal,...
So I really don't like the Salamander models. Probably because I'm totally <3 for Dinosaurs, and the Salamander doesn't look nearly as cool as the...
I just read: A Song of Ice and Fire series. Really good and addictive series. Dexter series: Also good, if a tad... Different.
I'm game. I love Mafia. =D
My CoC with Razor standard really helped. Charging a unit of WoC that had been effected by Iceshard Blizzard, they fled combat, and were cut down....