Does a magic hand wep count towards the parry bonus?
If you stand and shoot with the giant bow does it have a -1 to hit modifier like normal ranged weps?
Isn't that the previous edition standard bearer? He looks sorta out place.
I think the magicy list will perform much better, just because of the amount of no AS abilities they have. Make sure your slann takes lore of...
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip) Looks awesome! I was sort of skeptical about a purple color scheme, but seeing it makes me...
In an official tourney do you have to have assembled the model the way it is going to be used? or can one variant count as the other? ex: Can an...
Quick question about the howdah, does it need to be glued on? or can it just rest on top? I want to make all 3 howdahs and interchange them.
Yep, all of our heroes mounts are now just an upgrade, no special or rare price tags attached. Yeah, the carnosaur used to take a hero slot.
The kroq'gar model comes with a shield, which is confusing because he has no option to take one. Also, nice slann, but I think you should paint...
Very nice kroq'gar. Yay blue lizards!
How does the poisoned bolt thrower work? Does a six mean it auto hits the entire rank?
If 2 heroes both in unit are fighting a challenge, and one of the units break fail combat res, and run from the combat, does the challenge...
My sixth edition box only has 16 in it as well. Maybe there are 2 different boxes?
Wow those look amazing! I am a big fan of the GW color scheme.
In my opinion, the slann has only gotten better. Sure his stats are a bit lower, but if he is getting into combat you are doing something wrong....
Not many mages could survive an attack from a skink chief. Unless of course, your opponent is chaos...
Yeah, but he stuck to mainly melee to make it more fair.
Victory! Sort of.... The comet of cassendora really messed him up, not having any dispel dice, and my Oldblood on a Carnosaur took his carnifex...
The specific wording in that "any chargers that wish to attack him will lose any and all benefits from charging". I really hope they correct this...
Does anyone know the best way for lizardmen to kill tyranids, by any chance? One of my friends plays 40k, and we noticed the stats seemed quite...