I don't think he all that great. He only gets to reroll to hits on the first round of combat, and the shield only confers the defending an...
The Engine can reduce the casting value by one of any lore, but the skink can only take heavens.
Skink priests can only take the lore of heavens, the EotG doesn't change that.
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Indeed, the new EotG seem almost unfair to daemons and undead.
Sorry, I did my math a little wrong, but if in your normal list you only take 30 points of magic items on each preist, then you can afford one...
I would very much like to use Mazdamundi, but he really just doesn't have anything to justify his him being more then 600 points. Sure he rides a...
I added the points up and you have enough left for another stegadon/ancient stegadon in both lists. That many giant dino's would cause some fear...
I think skink priests can only cast from heavens. After reading through the rulebook multiple times, I could not find anywhere which said that the...
Can you have more then one character in a unit? For instance, 2 saurus scar vets in a unit of saurus?
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't any mount with more then one wound a monstrous mount? Your list is cool, but it seems to be lacking a bit of...
A quick list I made for a battle with some friends. Going to try to absolutely dominate the magic phase. Not for serious playing. :) This is for...
The rules book are on display in many stores, and you can read through them.
I had a second battle against my chaos friend, and this time the EotG wreaked havok. The level 3 Skink priest destroyed large amounts of heavily...
I think the skink chief is totally worth it. I played a game with the new rules against my friends empire army, and the chief on a normal stegadon...
Haven't played in ages, but I suppose i still have a level 64 enhancement shaman on Nagrand.
Amazing work! I love the color scheme. However, you might want to remove the mold lines on your next batch, as they stick out a lot.
Realy? :( apparently I've been playing the game wrong for years. Well that ruins the oldblood slingshot for me.
In a recent battle i had, a question about the feigned flight rule came up, but I only have the old 6th edition rulebook, which does not have the...
Drool. Imagine a unit of saurus with spears, ranks of 6 across, with a Scarvet holding the scavenpelt banner. 35 S4 attacks from the saurus. I...