My best moments were: #1 Skink priest running circles around a wood elf tree lord, and burned him to the ground with the bane head, and lore of...
Run circles around them, Chaos is so slow, by the time the warriors have even reached combat, the game will be over.
Will skinks still have their WS2 and T2? or will they have some stat upgrades? I want them to at least be able to combat goblins. Poisoned hand...
If it hits, will this weapon instakill siege weapons, like cannons, and bolt throwers, due to there lack of leadership?
When it says unmodified leadership, does that mean that the unit or model has to use its own leadership? Or can it still benefit from the general?
I have the sudden urge to phone my friend, ask him the leadership of his steam tank, then cackle maniacally and hang up.
Hey Dalkarius, can you tell us any more about the Bok-ax special character? I've been dying to know what his is all about.
No problem, more advice is always good. However, I don't think terradons will work well against his warriors. He likes to make them dual weild,...
:( My chaos friend has just informed me that he will be taking a magic heavy army. 5 mages, and a bunch of rock solid warriors of chaos.
I have no kroxigars or terradons (waiting for the new edition) so Im going to give him a unit of saurus with tlazcotl, with a BSB scarvet in their...
I really do wanna take kroak, but Im worried I won't have enough solid units to back him up. Maybe if he just heads to the board edge and hangs...
Does this mean that saurus with spears in the second rank, also get 2 attacks now?
Core kroxigars you say? that could be interesting :bored:
Kroxigars are losing one strength? :( That blows. Now what will I use to mow through chariots?
The battle is going to be a large 4 way free for all. Winner is the last man standing. I'm leaning towards Metal atm, cause it seems like the best...
Hi all. I have an upcoming 2000 points battle, in which there will be 4 armies at once, Choas, Empire, Orcs, and Lizards. Im wondering If I should...
If a unit kills itself, such a wizard miscasting, or a cannon misfiring, do you get the victory points for this death?
Really? I thought slann couldn't use magic weapons?
I used a sacred host of huanchi just for that purpose, and got really lucky.
Heh, not so worried about the hellcannon anymore, after a skink preist got off a lucky pit of shades, and with its initiative of one, the...