The new Lizardmen fluff has ALOT of reasons to wage war against other armies. After the Siege of Hexoatl by the dreadful Vashnaar the Tormentor,...
As is the Orc Choppa, personally though, I love my White Lion! lol
This will be irritating at the very least if it's true for all of the models. Especially for people like me who worship Steggies.
Last time I checked though, the Giant Bow does say to treat it as a Bolt Thrower when it comes to rank penetration, so wouldn't we shoot it like...
The fellow who postewd above me is dead on. The new Slann are incredible, you can make a decent, but cheap Slann, or a Godly, but expensive one....
Not to mention with that BSB, you'll have a Stubborn, Immune to Psych monster using it's rider's Ld 7 AND it gets to re-roll! Ha!
Hm...yeah, dropping the Razordons might be wise. As for rules, I believe we deploy as we and our opponents agree, in which case me and my ally...
@ Gannon: You need the 7th edition, my friend, lol. Temple Guard are not so easily butchered in a fight and it doesn't matter how terrifying or...
In the Engine's ruesl is specifically states that you may only reduce one lore by -1 per engine and Engines may not stack on the same lore. So...