That would be hilarious! Skinks with pre-cautious armor, lol.
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Well, firstly the campaign is from the Mighty Empires book and is run by our local GW store. As for the assasins, that ability is getting dumbed...
Mine's devoured: -Hellcannon -Daemon Prince -5 Nurgle Knights -12 Nurgle Chaos Warriors And that was all in one fight, lol.
Sadly the Steam Tank can only be hit by spells that do direct damage.
Yes it has, and the answer to your question is a wonderful no, not a single mount in the Lizardmen army takes a choice.
Wow, that's actually a better deal then I thought, I'll have to order me some.
Glad to see you did well against the Daemons! That Shield was a brilliant idea at holding off the Lord of Change, if even for a moment.
4+ Scaly Skin with Light armor and shield lands me on a And the thing about characters needing to capture the objective wasn't announced...
Glad you've come to the true race! Welcome to the site.
That's quite a bulk buy, lol. Enjoy the site, nice avatar.
Welcome to the site! We should be able to help with those buddies of yours.
Welcome to our home, hope you enjoy the site!
Hey everyone! Here is the last battle that took place this past Tuesday for a "Legendary Sword". Hope y'all enjoy! Comments appreciated. Ok,...
I bring the excellent news that I won the battle quite easily, actually, look for it in the Battle Reports section!
The Salamanders are relatives to the Warpfire Throwers and Flame Cannons of the Dwarves and Skaven, not fire-breathing Hydras and Dragons. A...
Yes, but the hard part lies with avoiding other enemies and the Skinks not failing any Terror tests.
Very well done, the new Vampires are an extremely tough opponent. Those new vampires are sickening.