I actually just went down to the dollar store and found big giant balls of plant stuff. They were $2 each if memory serves, and I don't think I'm...
I don't think i'm artistic enough to decorate them with snake designs but I might just go for a zig zag type dealio. I was also thinking I might...
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards That is an EXTREMELY vibrant hill! So much colour! Awesome. Is that big tall thing going to...
I really do think that some old one weapons would be awesome. Maybe a laser beam type thing, or an energy bomb. They could be mounted or just...
Aril basically nailed it on the head. The only difference is it's maybe half as thick as the usual polystyrene, maybe only 1 inch tall sheets, so...
Sorry for the delay on the updates! I have some new pictures. [attach] The first is an overall view of my army on the table. I've finished a few...
Something you could think about is what your lizards could make from their environment. You said they're from the petrified forest right? They...
WELCOME ABOARD MATE. Honestly, the most important thing in my opinion is to have fun. If you are playing with your buds and friends in a casual...
Is that a spidey I see? ;) Is he also painted to be ice tacular?
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards Wow. That is some fantastic terrain! Nice touch with the snake heads on the stair railing....
Woah. I love that colour scheme. The blue looks super good! I'm reminded of white walkers from game of thrones. [attach]
Although frenzy does provide an extra attack, the trouble with it is that it forces your model to charge if able. (Even if that charge needs...
I throw some plastic plants onto my bases that I got at the dollar store. Other than that, I just use the same flock and static as my gaming table...
Hmm. Perhaps they could make some sweet custom jungle swarms though... baby kroxigors and razordons galore.
Thanks for the help :D
Two quick questions, does paired weapons in the BRB mean that I need to buy the weapon twice? Does it mean that I am dual wielding the weapons, so...
I think that if you play this list right, you will lose all of your friends. Also, if you play this list wrong, you might get totally...
Don't forget that he is also a level 2 wizard with lore of beasts! Also, he gets D6 poisoned attacks from tide of serpents.
If you just need to cut back a few points, make the skink skirmishers into groups of 10. They're a lot more maneuverable that way. I can't speak...