Nope, skirmishers use the regular rules for shooting (two ranks), except they are spaced farther apart. I'm fairly confident you do have to...
Well. Now is the time to make a 24 kroxigor horde! Live the dream that a normal man never could. Also, congrats. These models look awesome, me...
Is it just me or is that the coolest salamander paint scheme ever. ;)
Hooollllyyy smackidoole ding dong. That is some really epic stuff right there.
My understanding of warmaster is that the miniatures are extremely small, so you can act out massive battles with way more "troops" than you...
A river! A swamp! A volcano! A dank stanky cave! A really large tree stump! A magical gingerbread house! ... wait...
I would recommend starting with a small basic force and playing with it a bit to understand what you like and dislike, so you can slowly add more...
Hey guys, so I was doing some basic basing to my guys recently.... [attach] Here's my skink brave model with the smallest conversion ever....
No it's basically a little nozzle that heats up plastic and moves back and forth and prints stuff layer by layer. It's really good for things like...
I actually use a 3d printer to make my movement trays, so I don't know if I can offer any real advice to you. I do know lots of people like to...
As I understand the rules, a model can only be attacked if a model is in base to base contact with it. Because the saurus are BEHIND the slann and...
These look great! The colour scheme reminds me of blue gems. Also purple is my favourite, so that doesn't hurt either ;)
Kroxigors cannot join unit of skirmishers because they don't have the skirmisher special rule. They can only go into ranked skinks.
Well regular skinks are just like any other unit, except they have to take javelins and shields. Skirmishers gain all the special rules that come...
They just go in the second rank. I believe there is an entire page in the book dedicated to it? (Page 41) I think it's something like 1 kroxigor...
Not only can you put your lord in one of your blocks, but you can bounce him around between your blocks if you wanted to. He can leave and join...
If you want to go for a blue white flame look, go right ahead! Don't feel super inclined to stick to painting the scales only a single colour or...
Honestly, unless you're going to be at some top level table in some super competitive tournament, you can pretty much do well and have fun with...
You have no idea how much that means to me, this was a real adventure for me and I'm really glad it turned out okay :D
Bit unrelated to painting, but I just finished my table a few days ago! It's fully modular and in 6 pieces, with a hill across four of the pieces,...