When I went to Warhammer World (Jan 14/15) the staff there who ran the tournements plus some games dev said it did not stack. HOWEVER They did...
And again... Lloyd And again... Lloyd And again... Lloyd And again... Lloyd ^^
Salies can march and shoot as they are using a 'template breath weapon' IMO no one can march and shoot with conventional pewpew weapons. Lloyd
Cavalry 1st round of combat (if they they charged) Lance 2nd '' '' '' Lance (just no Str modifier)...
As I am looking through every Bohemian Rhapsody song ever made to find a 'true' instrimental (which I have just found, score!) I would say queen....
HARK!! All ye of little faith! And 20 of my fine gold pieces on my hero level hero :) (thats to win not to loose) And is it you pay 20 and get...
Having just come back from the Throne of Skulls and getting position 22nd out of 148 this is my opinion. First off I say list B. The current meta...
1 and 3 been agreed. On Q2 its states that he is a large target when casting spells. therefore his magic will 'project' above the TG heads. Thats...
TBH I don't think anyone will. If you want to see army lists just go hunt for them. Most of us have them. Try looking in people's posts on their...
Get rid of the extra hand weapon on the Carno Old Blood. +1 attack is specifically for models on foot. So either a halbard or spear. :) And HPA...
The Hunted. Your pride isnt worth that much! You're being ripped off Strewert!! shouldnt be more than a small hand full of cold one dung :D hehe...
Just finished 'The House at the Riverton' and now onto the Elfhunter series. well i was until my kindle suddenly broke itself. nicht impressed in...
Cobra7 all I can say is that you are doing a public service :) Grazie Lloyd
Sure Hunted, community spirit and all that jazz. But it does prove your too cool for us as your not getting in enough and getting online :D Lloyd
The first one takes the Blowpipe, the second one takes a dart. The first one will fire. When he 'drops' the blowpipe the second will pick it up...
Both his lord and heros are in % allowence. And if your slann has HSoC just shove him 3 inches from your saurus units. He will benefit from a 4+...
First of welcome to the forum! And its nice to see someone so enthusiastic! Hope to see you post more often! Disagreement is a fantastic way to...
He has a tendancy to do that! And most mentally disabled people have sound thinking patterns. Its just one flaw which makes them off the 'norm'...
Yet one film has been ignored... Ferris Bueller's Day Off Classic Lloyd
Haha epic fail by me! and good spot I did have 2 x 20 saurus Adressing points raisen (spelling? :D) @ SeBm - Will do Ill try and make an ad-hoc...