The list is for the Thone of Skulls (2000pts) being held at warhammer world in the new year. Any crititism is welcome. Slann Mage-Priest BSB Sun...
Remember not to post point costs on the forum. IMO old bloods are not worth the points. They are only marginally better. Take a Scarvet instead....
Your load out on your slann is not ideal. If your not taking Lore of Life then cupped hands of the old ones is a must. Ixti grubbs is a waste of...
Lol ETA is Estimated Time of Arrival in military cirlces! Don't see how it applies here. And as I do rather love the LM SC models but abhor the...
Right I have been a horrendous blogger and realised I have not updated in ages! In that vein I am making myself paint tomorrow (got dad to take...
It's skull white followed my badab black wash. Highlighted with 3:1 skull White chaos black washed again. Really simple and has a semi good...
Page 14 (at a guess) WFRB deals with this I think. You cannot charge then reform units. As you charge in the sub phase your unit would do this if...
No the cannon is shooting attack. So each model it hits takes d3-6 wounds. CC attacks are allocated then multipliers are applied.So if a cannon...
All hits against a warmachine are done automatically onto the crew. Ie a dwarf cannon will have 3 wounds unless stated other wise. However...
IMO Special Characters are no where worth the amount of points. Hero special chars are a deffinate nono. For the same points you can get a...
However if a VC player is pumping that many points into a model just crash him with magic. To be honest forbidden lore is good on a lvl 1 Vampire....
OK finished my skinks this morning just been too lazy/hungover to do anything about it. And yes there are painting errors but I will go back over...
Level 2 skink p is a must. And no. Do not take a slann at 1250. With a unit of TG your looking at 500pts + with a small unit and no upgrades....
All LM SC IMO are a waste of money. Just you Chakax as a SV with Great Weapon. And Don't use them. Use your Saurus. At 1250 with 2 blocks of...
I never use colour related washes. All I have only ever used is Badab Black and Gryphonne Sepia. Gives great shading. Lloyd
Firstly at this point level you really don't need a slann (especially a naked one)! At low points cost Saurus are the way forward. 2 solid blocks...
Nah I don't mind. I'm training to become an RAF Aerospace Battle Manager and have completed my streaming course. And now I have about 6 months...
Get rid of the purple and paint the quill white. would look much cleaner that way. Apart form that its looking good. Take long to paint him? Lloyd
Joasht. I do not paint at high levels! I just know that a fully painted army on the field of battel ALWAYS has the dice gods favour if painting an...
I could always summon zombies if I fight the WE! 'Its close to midnight, something evil stiring in the dark. In the moonlight you see something...