I will do my best. And now I have passed my course proper (the dark side muahhaaa!) and now I am holding up here I will have copius ammount of...
Some of my skinks still being done. As my mate has swanned off back to Belfast and taken all my basing supplies for his DE my models will be...
Personally I like the green and red skink colour scheme. But if i wanted to see a colour scheme I would just paint it myself then strip it :D Try...
Yes, You may be confused! I have this little gem of a board game and have now heard rumours of a new one. The game is similar to World/America...
Did it ever work haha! Epic, just epic.... Lloyd
What you should do is start painting a colour scheme you like. Get an army up and it looks very impressive. Plus the pride of finishing...
Never listen to those that complain. Every army is beatable. They either a) have a horrendous list and had no chance in winning, b) The dice...
If you are playing a gunline dwarf army then sun standard is a fantastic buy for that picked on unit (aka TG!). WoC are the only army I have...
Be grateful he doesn't! My local ratman loves using 2 doomwheels. Just say good by to my flank! He is an Example build for using Chakax as a SV;...
The battalion is agreat start, however the CoC are now at reduced effect (thanks to new charge and inititive rules). I personally bought 2...
Re: Farsights army painting Farsight I reckon you should get some more saurus done. I'm abig beleiver of getting a solid core built before...
Forgot to copy past the other link :D Lloyd
Skink priest is done. Sorry some skinks are being painted. 'Should' be done by tomorrow. [attach] [attach] Lloyd
Yeah I realised that but too lazy to get another lamp. However have now got it after having a massive dinner (not feeling guilty at all...). And...
Well I have finally finished my main part of my training and with a very very very long hold I now have no real excuse to..well... excuse my...
Depends. Is he budget or expensive SV. I find cheap SV's help massively in blocks of saurus. However giving him a talisman etc he can become much...
Its a one or two. You need to roll at least 3 basic to to cast a spell. One of the many reasons I stoped using my VC. My army was geared towards...
Just use the model but as a SV with great weapon and other bits. Otherwise Chakax, is a massive point sink for a meh model (stats wise). Saurus...
Re: Farsights army painting Either try to get in delivered by GW or another much cheaper outlet (eg wayland games) or wander down to your nearest...
However you get that first attack dear chap. Lets see if you can do some damage! *shakes hand* Lloyd