Thanks for the imput! I was thinking about doing empire, but they aren't as tough as chaos or ogres. Each army has an individual thing that I...
Hey, I have been trying to collect a second army for some time now, but all of the armies have something that I like (except beastmen or daemons)....
Great game. Some pictures would have helped, but it doesn't matter. Tell us how that 2v1 goes!
Ooo yes! Take that, Chaos knights!
Back to lizardmen, I am confused why everyone keeps calling him tik tak toe, his (its?) name is tiqktaq'to! Man, our characters have odd names....
Hi welcome to the site!
Thanks for all the replies. An annoying thing is that most the people at the store I go to rarely have the same amont of points as I do. I have...
ok thanks!
Is there a way to remove paint from a model? My old lizardmen were paited ;amely, and i want to change them.
really useful thanks
good job! I noticed that most of your characters are large targets, and will draw LOTS of enemy fire. I dont think that thats the best thing to do.
Nice battle, and great pictures too!
cool! Good for you!
You've got a decent force there. May I suggest dropping the TG unit down to 16 and giving the sking priests a dispel scroll to. There also aren't...
Hi I am natpat and have been collecting lizardmen for a whie, but have recently got into the game.
I have started to paint my lizardmen the standard blue, but I have recently felt the need to do them green with red scales and warpaint. I really...
Tlaxtlan foreva!!! :D Meh just jokin. Im english
I think that comet of cassandora against an army like the scaven would be vary effective, as the units would be packed together, and it would have...
awesome stories, although it is uncharacteristic for lizardmen to flee from a foe.
An old-blood on a carnasaur with the blade af realities is truely devestating. It has started to persuade me to have a saurus oldblood instead if...