Well we can port up to two units, Sylvaneth can port the complete army.
Fate dice are a tzeench goody. You roll 9 dice and you can use them in the game instead of rolling a dice. Since they are not rolled in this...
Hi guys, so the balewind tells me I'm not able to get down with my normal movement, because I'm not allowed to move at all. I have to banish ist...
I would always go with the english version. Btw. cant you ask on fb on your own? :)
Well been able to teleport just 1 unit, without handlers and the astro doenst sound that good. How did lord k work with the vortex/spellrange fix?
I dont think so. Having a name doesnt say you are a named charakter. F.e. durthu. To be named you have to be a modell what is statet 0-1/max 1 per...
You can find it on page 117, mounts.
Command abilities dont affect the mounts.
There was no warscroll update, but you cant use command abilitys on mounts anymore.
Did you guys already see the oldblood on carno nerf? To bad we cant empower the jaws anymore.
But you have to put him into an more exposed position then before.
Well the list has been nerfed a little with the vortex and multiplayer fix.