I thought it was a bit odd because in the fluff Tzeentch and Nurgle hate each other. So he will have to pick between a better ward and the -1 to...
Me and my friend from the undercity have worked out that we think he is taking a demon of tzeetch and using nurgle magic to improve his ward.......
Ah I was going from the back of the BRB where it says str 5, must have got an update in the 8th edition army book.
That was a very nice comprehensive write up! Thank you for the assistance. I do not like to rely solely on magic as the winds can be fickle when...
EDIT: It is definitely the Daemon Prince with the following: Nurgle, flying, Scaly Skin, Chaos Armour, Soul Feeder, Sword of Striking, Charmed...
You know the build, the 1+ save with the 3+ ward that lets you re-roll 1's (can only be killed on a 2) with the wound regenerating madness, 2+...
At this point I’d be willing to consider any international offers!
I am after the tail/body section that comes with the carnosaur sprue. I foolishly messed up an ebay purchase trying to convert Kroq-gar to a...
20x shields for currently shield-less Saurus warriors 24x shields for currently shield-less Skink Skirmishers Finish basing 48x said Skink...
That is interesting, does that mean the Kickstarter prices we were quoted include this tax?
Same, created my account, went to the Kickstarter section, added the items I pledged for and my total was €0 + postage.
hello! I was wondering if anyone knew what the non-texture version of lustrian undergrowth was? So I can do the rims of my bases the same colour...
My bad!
I'll work it out I'm sure :P
I asked them this myself and the response I got was that the only things that won’t be available after the Kickstarter are the Kickstarter...
I normally use Methylated spirit on plastics and it works a treat. HOWEVER - on resin I recently stripped a finecast slann and it softened the...
that is exactly what I have done, I now have 3 half-built stegadons which I can hopefully make 2 full built from, the corpse that's left will be...
A common theme with a lot of games I am playing is that the characters I play against seem to be the cornerstone of every army I face, whether it...
They look really nice and clean! My only criticism would be that you gotta pucker up and get those black slits on the eyes :P
True that, I’ve been putting off my temple guard for long enough