You are 100% right. I have been reading it as “after a wound has been inflicted” which is clearly wrong on my part. I have been using the spell...
It does rely on taking life, it’s not guaranteed. But I did forget it doesn’t allow ward saves of any kind. I’ll have a play with arcane...
That’s the puppy, I couldn’t remember why I didn’t take dwellers, but that’s it. Any advice?
He most certainly did, I can’t remember what it was, but it did some kick ass stuff (fight in extra rank, re-roll something or other maybe?)
So I had a game against a high elf opponent last month and I would have won (Battlelines, settled on a draw as there was no clear winner points...
I would be down for this, got disheartened when I saw the first post was 2012!
Ha if only my eyes worked! [ATTACH] There we go! and now in thumbnail!
That’s annoying, not sure how to get that working. Hopefully a link will work?
I also wanted to base my lizards in the jungle so I have ended up with this tester base: [IMG] it needs a brighter green highlight as it is a...
They look really nice, would you mind going through your process to achieve this?
I am going to ress this for the second time (much like kroak himself!) and contribute that my gaming club is reading the rule as being able to...
That chart is really useful, an yes it was fairly open I would have said, one peice in each quadrant and one right in the centre (fairly large...
Soooo... I faced chaos, orcs and goblins and lastly an empire gunline. I lost all three games but I had great fun all the same. I made poor...
Thanks for all the input, believe it or not I came to the conclusion about high magic on my own! Going with: Slann Mage-Priest - Lore of High...
I have a group of friends that I have started playing 8th edition with and we are going to pick names out of a hat to see who fights who. My...
I reckon the scales took about 10ish minutes which seems long but if I am doing them in batches I can see it going a lot quicker per model if I...
Ok, I bit the bullet and did some individual highlights (and bought some more paints, shhh don’t tell the wife): [IMG] [IMG] Much happier with...
I will give it a bash tonight, thanks for your input so far. On an aside I found the source for my saurus image (you were bang on with your guess...
I had a quick bash but I rushed it: [IMG] Brighter, but I went too heavy on the drybrush, lost some scales. I’m just too keen to settle on a...
I’ll give it a bash tonight and post the results. I have half a unit that needs a methylated spirit bath anyway so any testers I’m unhappy with...