Sorry that would of been crazy op as I versed tzeentch today
I verse opponents were if I don't get that double turn I'm screwed and the people I verse don't have much range
And then put some green stuff for the eyes then perfect thank you so much never though about that it saves a lot of money and time as the...
No the Blue horrors explode into brim stones sorry
And I meant the club as the weapon sorry should of explained myself
Thanks I could ask some people at my local stores if that would be alright
You do need to pay points for exploding brimstone
What about the weapon he's holding and the fin on his head
Yeah I understand I just like to play a bit different because I have different types of armies and players to deal with
Thanks it's tough because it's all what you see is what you get
Yeah it depends on what army your versing
Yeah I'm not sure it's just most of the tournaments I've been to they have been very offical with what you use but that might be different in your...
But having first turn isn't always the best thing as if you have the skink star seer you can get a double turn unless they are a all out shooting...
Yeah in tournaments some people might not let you use them
It doesn't matter all my friends are cheesy anyway
Ok lol
Thank you so much bowser that is incredibly useful and hopefully the list goes allright in my future tournaments
Stormcast works fantastically with Seraphon from experience as I have gotten around third place in tournerments with a Stormcast and Seraphon army...
Ok thanks so I'm thinking get rid of the knights and stegadon so I can get chameleon skinks and make the shadow strike host formation
But being a 4 spell casting wizard that is hard to kill I think he is amazing but can't find in 2000 points or lower to fit him in