it is a monster. at the moment the howdah weapons are not treater as warmachines only a bit bigger missile weapons. it can change if the errata...
slann. it is said the caster. the priest is not the caster.
jup still using my phone. if the army is ready i will shoto them with my analoge camera for better pics. reason for this is that i will have all...
very neat, i like the albino/blueisch look of your army. now that i have seen your DE cold one i really am convinced that i need to get me those...
update: working at the moment on my first eotg. i chose a darker howdah color then that of the chief. reason for this is that on my opinion the...
nope: it says that characters,champions or other models that can NORMALLY be singled out if they were in base contact, are involved in the fight,...
well 10 TG and a slann in a bulding would be very very nasty. per level of building you are allowed to put 5 models near a " window" and so have...
you need to cut of the hand weapons,, blowpipes or javelins from the fists holding them. when the new skinks came out, everyone knew that, it was...
@ suppe: well it isnt white because you wont be able to see thru it either ;) and people would ask, hmm is this white or black.. and becouse the...
a cheese lizzie army at 2250 points? that would probaly be: 3 eotgs L2( 1245 points ) inc 25 pt equip inc, if neccesary) skink chief with spear...
so im going with my lol brother ( his first tournament) to a duo toernament. he will be taking his VC and i will go with the stegadon rampage....
Q: can a skink priest on a Stegadon that is in combat with non large targets cast the thunderbolt or lightning spell to a different unit in it's...
redirect charge is gone to :( and pursuiting in a new combat is done in the same combat fase, giving you 2 combats for the same unit ( ie said...
well it is an option if you reveal the assasin tru the battle or deploy it right away in the unit. jup i know, but even then they also make...
firstly read this Q&A from the 2009 JAN faq: Q. As part of its rules, an Assassin may be placed in a unit of Scouts and thus be deployed out of...
if its not GW base, then why would it come with the blister pack ???? nice tabletop models :D
well you can also say that the hand weapons are poisened but it doesnt work in hth combat :P only if you throw your weapoons or any thing liek...
it not a magical BSB, it's just a normal BSB that has some special name.... so vuals unmaking and so doesn't work on the bsb.
no you can't do that. you must always guess a more likeble range. just like charging. if you have a movement of 4" and there is a fleeing unit...