i mostly start doing 2 or 3 turns the 5+ ward ove rmy whole army ( 2 engines). then later one will go offensive and charge in with normal steggie...
uh NO! it means the spell you cast is cast y IF.... i don't know how you can so mis-interpret the rules, but this is just sad
yeah i know that the mount goes in to challenge to ;) i only mentioned this becouse of the impact hits. it says in the BRB that the rider and...
nope, cause only the temple guards act like guards and therefore they don't block LOS for the slann. saurus are not trained in that matter ( or...
it is easy, you don't get any overrun. the rules specifies that if the enemy is whiped out you can overrun. this rules is stated in the combat...
accepting a challenge can only be done by characters in a fighting rank. so as long as the slann is protected and not in base to base contact with...
no i think you are pulling it way to far strewart. also in combat you have fases to: choose which combat to fight. resolve impact hits. declare...
heres a pic of a warmaster battle... [attach] the terrain is warhammer size, and on the left , closest to the camera is a GIANT!. so...i think...
yeah this stegadon is very very small. if im correct it iseven a bit smaller then warhammer coldones...
yeah me to. mine snapped off many times befor eto, and have regleud them to much. eventually i have thrown them in my bitbox...
th elist looks good and will work out just fine i think. BUT you can only buy 1 extra skink handler per salamander, so not 2.
here you are: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/stegadon-based-army.619/ scroll down on the first page to see the list.
ok lets put it simple then: Move = 1x your movement rate March= twice your movement rate movement: is the the wording where everything falls under...
well i play with an army containing 4 stegadons, and that already seems a big challenge for most people ( ie 8 wins and 1 loss). my army list is...
you know that you are raping the rules! march is ind some sort of movement, but excludes any sort of missile or ranged attack. move and fire ind...
wrong. pivot on spot is actually a movement rule that states that it doesn't costs you any " inches" and therefor is free. it has nothing to do...
overlooked? i don't know what the warhammer players at your place put on the table but here we see a lot of lizzie armys that contain a unit of 5...
ok quite odd. how many inch deployment did you had?| cause in a normal battle you can't charge with fliers in the first turn, or shoot with...
yeha , iv'e considered it to. the skinks also get frenzy. but i don't think it would really work, the steg only gets 4/5 attacks and the skinks ,...
we don't know what you are doing wrong. you should tell us how your carno dies... and wich equipment you give your oldblood. only then can we...