uhm 25% OF 10 skinks is still 2,5 skinks. so it will take 3 to be panicked, and 4 to panic a 12 strong unit. :rolleyes:
well never realized it but im going for a " all skink army" but they are accompanied by 4 stegadons and razors :P this saterday i will be having...
oh crap, have to look it up carefully next time.. aso have to change my plans now, i think then both engines will charge in at the same time,...
well i don't really think anyone can be right at the moment and so you have to take a decision with your gaming group/club, or organisation at any...
you can also take a look at the new dark elve cold ones. the have the 5th edetion cld one look but improved. and they were like the best cold ones...
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip)*updated* thank you :) @ dead metal, yeah forgot to tell about the horns, :P they ind...
Addition means" in adding to". Or in warhammer language it means "plus " or "extra". IN think you are bit confused Hence it even tot the word...
As i read it it says attacks that come from 12 of the engine. As long as the enemy unit in combat is more away then 12" and my units within then...
wtf? Priests can chose to ride a normal stegadon or an eotg wich is an ancient. And no you cant join terradons with a priest. No matter what....
heres a little catch from my best painted minitures: most of them painted like 2 years ago.. [attach] [attach] [attach] 2 random archers:...
looks very well. I think it would look amazing as a coherent army. d you have such a pic of all them together?
ok trying to get some activity here.... what kind of music do you listen to? are you a diehard fan of some band or dj or rapper? i prefer Metal...
i know how treesinging can be a bitch :P i'm a vetaran wood elve player so i know their nasty tricks. ( and i enjoy to play these tricks if im the...
skinks can die in a battle you know ;) leaving only 10 left and 3 kroxies... :jawdrop: ( omg mortal skinks)
5000-7000 pt wood elves, mostly painted. 2000 pt lizardmen (partially painted) Sold 2000 pt bretonnians fully painted 1500 pt witch hunters...
uhhh? nnormal english please. but as i interprete it the EOTG goes off doing it's power, and then the preist casts spells besided the eotg...
ok this weekend im goign to my first tournament with lizzies. this is the list i will be using: 2x skink priest lv2 on eotg 1schroll and diadem...
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip) heres an update. still need some little finishing touches and the skinks need to be done....
im on my second steg, which was a awefull one. still need to buy me some greenstuff though for this steggie. my conclusion is that the steggies...
and the points shown there include 1 razordon and 3 skink handlers. per unit you can buy up to 3 razordons incl 3 skink handlers each, plus...