ok great :D so it is allowe to hold back the engine 13" away from the combat line and transfer a wardsave to my own unit :D yay for me!!!
i dont have the army book yet but i know there is something with this 12" range with the wardsave power of the eotg. all friendly units gain a 5+...
or you roll 2d6 per razordon, and count everything double and the 6 misfire :rolleyes:
Well i think it would work out great in some circumstances. And also the steg fills up 8places which are effectifly almost 2ranks that cant be...
You cant base yout assuming of how a item works from an article. Not even gw. Only official rule clarification articles like the errata and faq...
It doesnt need to be labled as al mnster. Look into the brb. If you assumination is correct then dragons and treeman arent monsters to. But they...
Well imdoing purple. Lizzies! See my staegadon in this forum cfor pic
Jeej for purple!!!! Really nice concept and worked out!
they are monsters! And as al mount they can join any rank and file unit. In the new errata it is said that when a monster mount ( gryphon, dragon...
as for gaming, beastmen are less competitive as wood elves. but on the other hand, both armies are quite " specialist" armies, which means you...
i go for stand and shoot to. GW workers are wrong soemtimes to. soem years ago a asked a question and they told me this and that. and so i did...
i looked question 3 up, cause i wasnt sure and remember it vaguely to be in the errate. and so it did: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Cus ......
@hellbreaker: you mean 6+as@s10attack.
no you cant have a hand wep+shld combi for the additionel as. Maybe an ench shld? But this was also possible in the 6th ed army, so nothing new...
If wysiwyg is a must then you need the correct model, like at a gt. If wysiwyg is rated like painting then you can proxy.
Bah metal is fine. I dont know qhere he got the idea of metal being only missilrs but only spell 4 is al missile. Just keep burning and...
1:no only roughly man sized character can " brb pag 67 " 2:yes he can. No look out sir.character inc mount that have us5 do Not benefit from the...
this is quite clarifeid in the errat. if 2 items are cmpensating, then simply roll a dice to see which items takes the advantage every turn they...
you know that the stegadon mounts dont counts towards the special or rare slot did you? the ancient stegadon is in this way a free slot :) so if...
the howdah it self is quite firm when put on the stegadon. it is not necesery to gleu it. hell i can even hold the whole model by just holding the...