Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip) thanks for the comments. I was ind taking a risk, but also knew that if i worked it out...
at the moment i guess it only auto hits the first rank, after that you have to roll to wound again. but still , it ensures you that you really...
i dont really know, but my interpretation is that in the luzard book it says that the howdah weapons are fired by 2 skink crew. and becouse it is...
bought me friday my first stegadon. put it together and started painting in the weekend. at the moment the stegadon itself is almost ready (...
they look good for tabletop quality :) but i would paint the sand to. now it looks really fake.yes i know its real sand, but using real rocks and...
well i have been looking into the dwarf book and empire book, and in those book it is quite clear they are talking about warmachines. so i should...
i'm on it. today i will be going to the gw here in amsterdam for a gaming night. i will look into a empire and dwarf book. if the warmachines have...
I know it would be very nasty. Thats why soms ons should look it up in al warmachine arme book. (ie empire/dwarfs) if it says that hellblaster or...
IK play guitar since some months. Im at student cor audio and visual design, which i enjoy to. Further i mike all sorts of games like munchkin,...
i Know! i' ve been playing woodies for 6/7 years and know lizzies are always a good match up for wood elves. it alwaysturns out to be a draw or...
use skinks to lock them. the bretonnian lance has one big dissadvantage, and that is they have big flanks. this means you can get alot ofenemy...
well i looked it up in the brb, and i found that bolt throwers, stone throwers and cannons are described as warmachine in there. it also states...
against: razordons: no penalty for long range and moving even makes a skirmishing enemy unit tasty to shoot at. and without armour or such, welfs...
holy f*ck! my eyes are burning. that's a real great colour sheme you are using :) im looking forward to the finished model.
well i think eotg is not the real combat one. if youre going for heros on steggie and want a combat version you need the chief and not the...
yeah. the treeman can stand and shoot to with its strangel root :P but it doesn't say it is a warmachine. it only penetrates ranks like a...
Yes it is allowed. IK chose the ancient bevouse ill then get s6 impact hits. :)
Lol, why dont you try itout? Btw if i hold all Stegs A bit together ik can unleash 12d6 shots from the giant blowpipes!!! Combine with the...
Yeah sure!! Kust let me know how your battles have gone with it;)
Ok is was able to make a list this event, beware the rampage!!!!! 2x skink priest lv2 on eotg 1schroll and diadem 1schroll and rod of storm 440...