No dice left.
I suppose you could combine it with other standards just fine :) My goal was to have 4d6, poisoned, flaming darts to kill about any monster in...
I was thinking about this a couple days ago, and didnt see anything about it here but has anyone tried this? Skink Chief, BSB, Flaming Banner on...
Keep in mind they are also about $6 each which is enough to deter a lot of people away from them.
Only two went to Australia. Yours and another, and the other has not reported in yet about getting them or not.
Awesome! Its good to hear some of the international shipments are starting to filter in. Keep the updates coming so I can mark them down on my...
I once took Life and Shadow once... I was unimpressed. If the winds roll low you are stuck with 800-900 points of waste. If they roll high then...
It appears so. Remember I had an issue with the shipping so the non-USA orders went out the day after the USA stuffs did. Plus, it is an...
All dice have been shipped! Enjoy your dice!!! Remember! Only 17 people in the ENTIRE WORLD have dice like these!!!!
International orders have been packaged and customs forms have been filled out. They will ship tomorrow!
US peeps should receive the boxes Monday or Tuesday. I did put delivery confirmation on them for US peeps.... Sorry I cannot do that for Intl. :(
Boxes aquired! US dice have been shipped... International shipping forms aquired... *sigh* I hate filling these things out.... They should...
Small delay. I am not a fan of the padded envelops I bought to ship the dice in.... Ill need to go to the local hobby store today at lunch time...
Dice have been sorted and US orders have been packed. US orders will post tomorrow.... International peeps, your dice will go out Saturday...
Theeeyyyy'rrreeee HEEEEERRRRRRRRRRREEEEEE!!!! Going to get these to you guys ASAP... got a busy weekend coming up though so please be patient...
Hey all. I was in the process of sending a "where is my dice" email when I noticed the date of the order was Dec 4, 2012 which is about 5 weeks...
I dont have them yet... and have not received any updates from Chessex... :( Ill try sending them an email to get some info, but from past...
While we are waiting for the dice, expect to see a PM from me shortly to confirm your address. I will send you what I have and you can reply back...
I did not order any extras.