Chessex has been paid and they say production should take 6-8 weeks and that I should have the dice in MY hands by mid January... From past...
Orders are closed. The final totals have been sent to Chessex for a quote. Once that comes back Ill send him the paypal and then we sit and...
Final warning! This closes tomorrow night and orders will be placed first thing on Monday!
I am still awaiting responses from the following people: Ragnar AdzAxeUK Danbot Once I get either a "NO I do not want dice," or "YES I want...
I will not allow that to happen :)
I have sent a PM to each person that has pledged to order dice. Please read the PM and it will tell you what you need to do before the end of the...
correct Chunk. All 5 of the previously decided colors are still availiable but instead of using the 1st design (outline of the lizard head) we...
At this point it is safe to say that the new design wins out. ALL dice will be ordered with the new design. With that said November 30 is the...
Scalnex you did pay. Also, everyone remember we get to order ONE design. And thus far it looks like its going to be the new one. If this...
Thats what I thought too! Before it just blended in. This screams YOU ROLLED A 6!!!!!!!!!
New dice design is in! And I got to tell you! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! What do you guys think??
This color scheme is not available
I will post the new pic when it comes in. Like I said, I want us all to get a GREAT product for the money and time we are putting into it. and...
Just a notice about dice design. I have submitted a request for a sample dice of the same glyph, without the circle around the head. My goal is...
Please remember to sumbit your real name along with your address! Still awaiting the following addresses: loreshadow AdzAxeUK Moonwolf Awaiting...
Changed! Thanks!
Packages shipped outside the US will be sent as a gift with the value of $10 or less
Still need quite a few addresses guys! Payments have been updated on first post! Keep them coming! Once I have enough Paypal to cover the dice...
My paypal address is in the first post, but... please send paypal payments to: Thanks to those of you who have paid! I...
I have started to put prices next to your names and orders on the first post as your addresses start to come in. If I do not have your address I...