Played a game last night with a Loremaster of Heavens Slann... and he rocked Ogre face! I never realized how powerful the lore is! Every spell...
Slann cannot be put on a flying carpet for the same reason he cannot cast the Lore of Beasts #6 spell... its lame but "thems the breaks!"
Ive sent Chessex an email requesting some sample dice using a paint version of the glyph n810 posted on page 1 to replace the 6. I have requested...
Id be down for about 40 depending on price, color and design. (would strongly prefer that the 6s is replaced)
per customized side
Id be willing to get 16mm dice with a glyph that replaces the 6 as that is how my other current custom dice are. Plus replacing BOTH 6 and 1...
Has anyone on this forum ordered custom dice for their LM army? Or is anyone interested in doing a forum wide Chessex order for dice? 16mm with...
Think Ill keep my rats for now...
THIS x 1000000 Ive tried playing MTGO and the like but its just not the same as sitting accross from a friend and playing the game. Warhammer is...
Since in the spell description the word Movement is capitalized it refers to the units Movement Allowance value... not its total move. Timewarp...
Recently won a local tournament with the following list. Went 3-0-0 VS Ogres, Darks Elves and Warriors of Chaos... Slann Mage-Priest, Lore of...
Saurus and Salamanders!?
ah.. crap... youre right... my revised list Saurus Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Halberd, VoFF, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Endurance 25 Saurus Warriors,...
at 750 points I dont feel you need a Lord character OR magic. I say no magic because all too often with lower lvl games is you have one or two...
Thinking about running the following VS Ogres and cannot decide on a Lore SLann, Mystery, Cogitation Scar-Vet BSB, Halberd, Armor of Destiny 24...
My wife suggested that as well... doing silver then gold... If I get the nerve I might try to do the smaller segments on the top and bottom as...
washed the silver with badab black, washed the gold with devlan mud. then dry brushed them both. Added color to the "straps" holding the...
Thank you Old Mossy :) I did improve a little on it :) Whatcha think?
Thanks. The Saurus themselves are not finished yet. There is some work still to be done to them still. I usually wash my metal colors with some...
As a Tomb King player myself I have a couple things to add here. 1. Tomb King characters can never heal wounds, unless its has Blade of Antharak...