Its missing something and I cant figure out what....
Im not sure that Im going for an albino-ish look, but just a white Temple Guard. I didnt wash him with anything because I want to avoid a "dirty"...
What do you all think?
1100 points VS Vampire Counts in Blood and Glory scenario Battle Report... VC took a unit of 30ish Ghouls, 6 giant ghouls, lvl-2 Vamp on steed...
Round 4 is 1100 points VS Vampire Counts in a Blood and Glory scenario Currently thinking... Scar-Vet (General) Light Armor, SHield, Burning...
“Finally,” Syzx thought to himself, “reinforcements and rations.” Hoping to to be greeted at the ship by a saurus crew, Syzx made his way down...
Chapter 3: Hunger Another bloodletting and your exhausted warband regroups. Scouts move forward, and soon the subterranean armies claw their way...
Turn 2 The victors of the beach conflicts travel inward, making quick work of the gently sloping terrain. As your warband marches, the minds of...
The sand felt good under the clawed feet of the Scar-Veteran, Syzx. Syzx had never cared much for the sea and was happy to be on dry land,...
Intro and round 1... Chapter 1: Mystery in the Tilean Sea! Off the coast of the forgotten part of the world known as the Blighted Marshes lies...
Ive also put together a somewhat of a narative that loosely follows along with the outline of the campaign. Ill post that at some point. Next...
Scenario is Deployment zones are in far left corners of the board with a Supply building in the middle right section. Winner is the person that...
So I guess in round 3 (900 pts) my opponent is Orcs and Goblins... Im thinking the Salamanders and Stegadon should be pretty good here with terror...
Thanks for your replies! At this point my 900 point escalation league list is looking to be: Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Shield, Venom of the Firefly...
At 900 points the League Comp says no Lords and no duplicate rares.. so if I take 2 Salamanders I have to keep them in one unit. I was very...
Instead of the Burning Blade, I went with Firefly Venom and a Dragonhelm. Lizardmen destroyed some Ogres last night! Next is 900 points.. I wil...
I thought I had read somewhere that the Giant Bow on the Stegadon has a 360 degree target zone? But I cant seem to find it anywhere. Am I...
Im actually intrigued by the lvl-2 with Cupped Hands... Consider this. You have 2 spells and roll a 6,3 for power dice, assuming both sides fail...
Next league round is 700 points and Im playing Ogres... Scar-Vet, Light Armor, Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec 24x Saurus Warriors, HW/Sh,...
Yeah thats true... I was trying to think of ranked rares and couldnt lol! Thanks