I would use the skink priest model holding the staff and replace the staff with a big palm leaf so it looks like he is being fanned.
Actually in WD 293 there is a full walkthrough on how they made it. They put a skink riding it though.
There is a really good picture of a old converted steg in white dwarf 294 page 70. I was browsing them looking for ideas and he totally rocks.
I would try to go 5 wide just do get a couple of points worth of ranks to make up for the skinks that are going to die in the combat.
Ahh I do not normally run one due to our already good Ld tests though after some skinks fleeing through my saurus block and panicking them last...
We randomize which rank a cannon hits and I think thats is an actual rule so in a 5 wide front 3/5 of the time it will not hit a slann. I have had...
Isn't it just magic armor and weapons you are not allowed to use with a BSB. If not your Slann BSB would be kinda useless.
If the hounds have a champ do a challange and get the priest out of that combat. but yeah everyone can hit the priest. Use a skink screen to...
You have never played against a cannon based army have you. Slann need cover from them. Moble reptile cover.
Burn your old dice. Applease the luck gods (maybe some kind of nude dancing) Buy new pretty dice.
Slann with a Carnasaur?
You know I do not see why someone would buy such an awesome model and then do such a half butt job on coverting it. Take the squiggoth armor and...
Actually the steg has shooting rules for shooting at it and who it hits. 1-4 steg 5 crew 6 priest. If no char is present 1-4 steg 5-6 crew.
He was holding the shield before and when it dropped he killed them all. After that much magic being used for so long I imaginge he was drained.
Awesomeness, now I can signal the old ones in space to help out.
Ahh but after an 40k ork force leaves the next sporing is of savage ork guys. Perhaps it is just the materials that they have available that...
There is a chemical in washes and inks that makes them flow and pool better then regular paint washes. If you take a large flat primed area and...
My overall scenery theme is a ruined temple city as crumbleing rock is always cool. Army wise I have a Slaan so maybe he is just visiting to...
Was it only me that didnt think the old ones were fighting Chaos? The battles against Chaos didnt seem to start until after the warp gate...
When I dry fitted mine I grooved it so I could slightly turn it, it puts him on the first level and looks like he is aiming it.