Watch out for detachments, I lost a 15 strong unit of spearmen with an oldblood in it due to to my ranks being negated.
Hmmn out of fights already, ohh well it will releive a few moments of office boredom each day.
I have a friend that posted an ad on Kijiji looking for players. Dunno if he has gotten any responses though.
So when we get charged all the skink crew now jump out and in front and defend it? Its not a bolt thrower in any way man. It just does damage like...
You have to use elephants :) Way cooler then boars.
You could build a slight platform for the skink to stand on. I remember thinking it was only sligtly off.
The blowpipe pigmies are aquatic using their blowpipes as snorkles.
I do not mind the idea at all though I wish the gorillia and salamander models were better sculpted. Some more testure on them would be great.
The cube is nice if it goes off. I personally do not use it because of its randomness but if it ended a phase that would be great.
No, the character is not a part of the unit so you need 3 guys and then you can add the character to it.
It seems pretty character heavy. Personally I do not find any of the special characters to be worth their points value. Any way of using some proxies?
There are normally 6 spells in each lore. You get 4 random by the mage himself, 5 random with the plaque or all 6 with the Disapline. I like...
Ha I found them
You know after checking out the site I cannot find the mini I was thinking about I think it was from a different one. They had a dark elf chariot...
I loved that model and was thinking of getting it for my personal collection. Did you see their dark elf cold ones? I was thinking of using one as...
For some reason I was thinking they could still autoflee. I usually play VC and am expanding from 1500 to 2250. I thought a slann with TG and some...
Well breath weapons can march and shoot.
Kroxies are no longer str 7 :( TK's no longer fear them.
I have not had too much of an issue when hitting other armies heavy calv with mine. As long as you get the charge you are going to cause more...
I was thinking it would stand out more if you went the yellowy brick color tat GW does all their Lizzie terrain in.