Do you guys think it would be more benificial for a Slaan BSB in a unit of TG to have the Slaan cause Terror or carry the magic banner that gives...
If they both say each unsaved wound causes 2 then you would only get 3 overall. One unsaved wound and both items work off that causing another 2.
But you first have auto hits and then some 4+'s to hit. Also things like hard and soft cover will not modify that 4+ to hit roll. Where as with...
They are banning core troops and all the rare choices? I honestly would not go. Why not just tell VC they cannot summon or rebuild any units.
Previously they only got one attack do to feral attack rule. Now they get both attacks.
You know if your carno is dying by being shot at he is doing a good enough job as is. The rest of your army should be unmolested for the next turn...
Now that they are no longer large targets would they not be at -1 for shooting at a single model or skirmisher?
Try magnatizing 6 carnifexes in one day with all the weapon options. You will use a power drill. I am also partial to the previous release hive...
You can also go to an office supply store and et shipping boxes cheaply. They come in many sizes and and just latching boxes with foam inside.
I personally use rare earth magnets on my models. My Tyranids are magnet hardcore so I can swap between shooty carnifexes, tyrants and warriors to...
Awesome dice, I wish they did that here. What colours did you use on your scales, I think they would look awesome as gems.
The only downside I can see is do salamanders get to stand and shoot? If they dont they will be charged without fear.
It really depends on if both items go off at the same time or not. If they do you get 1 base + 2 extra wounds. If they go off in a chain you get 1...
I will admit I play a BS3 steggie because BS5 seems a little OP but I do enjoy arguing a little too much.
The fact that he replaces a crew member is why he is part of the crew. If he was not then it would say something along the lines of 4 skink...
But on a chariot there are no weapons mounted. The character would have to be grabbing the weapons from another model. With your rules you would...
No having the character come off a mount is pretty standard. Monsterous creatures and chariots do the same thing. Even if you have a Str 7 or more...
If i remember correctly the army book only states it takes two skinks to fire the bow and one for each blowpipe. Using the Engineer or Dwarf...
Replaces the crew means you remove one crewman and put him in. You do not get him and another 5 skinks. We have had an already large post...
I am pretty sure they are not poison attacks. Also salamanders have a longer range as the template is 8-10 inches long and you get an arty dice...