Actually now that you have to roll to hit they are only half as good as the old ones and that quickly scales to being much worse once you take...
There is no reason to believe that you cannot use the BS of the chief either.
That angered me too, I am slowly building a unit with Jav's because of it. I just give them a jav with no shield and count them as blowpipes.
In eithier 4th or 5th edition I played a night gobbo fanatic army. With 12 in his army I imagine he is almost all night gobbos, the best way...
GS it and put it in straight or you can do what I do with all my flying stands. I was sick of the little tips breaking off so I found a drillbit...
Also with shadow lore you can hopefully get the unit move spell and push your units up quicker.
Well put it this way, you have a 20 block of troops that are charged in the front by 5 calvery and charged in the side by another 5 calvery. If...
I always thought it was done by Init, if it is not then if you charge multiple units into a combat how would you work out the order of attacks....
Bangles and bracelets are pretty easy to make, bone piercings are also. I have never GSed feathers but if they are easier to make you could add a...
Only for power and dispell dice, you still do not get an extra spell.
Not to mention then they do not have to worry about any copywrite laws as it is their own stuff.
You know I have been resolving them like 40k, well they got a little less effective now. What does it say in the BRB about multiple templates?
If you are putting him on an engine you may as well just pay the 35 points so the engine puts him up to lv 3 and nets you 2 power dice.
If you want a darker overall color use a black primer, also always use black under metallics. For lighter colors like yellows or if you want to...
I think the cube and dispell scroll will bring you over the 50 points magic item limit. A lv 2 mage still only nets you one power dice....
Nope you do all shooting and all wounds on the unit at the same time, 3 salamanders all shoot. (hopefully with potent of far on them to reroll all...
I would lose the bane head on the priest, unless you get a lightning spell he is never going to wound a character and even then they are usually...
I wouild try to rebase you slan onto the newer smaller sized base but he should still be usable. Skink characters are still useable as their bases...
Hey I remember seeing it before but I cannot find it now, how do you see your forum ranking and how do you display it in your sig?
So against undead the skinks use blessed holy Slann water instead of poison :P