Ontario Canada. :D
I played orcs for years the very low chance stupidity is going to kick in is a blessing compared to animosity. Most Knights with lances are only...
New scaly skin is +2 for reg saurus and +3 for Oldbloods.
Calv get no bonus AS for a hand weapon and shield so go with the spear and shield for the +1S on the charge.
I am actually just getting back into warhammer because of WOW, I totally gave it up to online gaming.
Almost time for the new sallies, -3 to their armor save really hurts heavy calv.
All on Khadgar 80 Orc resto shammy Fizbang 70 Undead mage Softspoken 70 Tauren druid Gohre 70 Tauren hunter Taman 55 Undead Deathknight forgot the...
Hmmn I thought I gave them both a good look over but I was at the store and only did a speed read. There may be a rule like that.
You get 1-3 per unit, one unit is one choice on the table.
Hey guys I have been lurking around the forum here for a bit. Thought I would sign up and add what coolness I have seen from the new army book....
Hey guys, I just signed up to give you some happiness for the new army book for some broken combo's. Salamanders - Now that they use a template...