Some scenery I made out of various wooden things, including popsicle sticks. I'm planning for it to be a sacrificial area, with the table-looking...
Mystic Shield, the Oldblood on Carno's command ability, Summon Starlight, Celestial Rites, and I can't think on any more.
Actually, the coolest weapon would probably be a T-Rex with a laser gun and jetpack.
It's a ghost covered in ink that has a glowstick.
If it is a large unit, use spears. Their range will help get more into combat.
Squish squash.
Cartoon squish.
Hopefully this means I have a use for my 23 Skinks with javelins.
Soccer meow.
78%, but that's as high as I'm going.
Cats also kill vermin, provide a stress remover known as purring, and are very entertaining. Plus they try to teach you how to hunt by giving you...
Yet in Summer there's more time to use the internet.
I think Agrax would be a good shade for the orange.
Chocolate cake.
5 more weeks until summer.
Nurgle is strange.
Victorious meow
I managed to do the (Extremely crappy-looking) muscles. Also, Nakai's axe. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]