so your skinks are heavily washed purple but the rest of your army is washed black at the end right? anyway was wonderin if u could post a picture...
well if i decide on purple i will use a lich purple on the scales, but i am also thinking of green as a possible scheme while using the same...
hi im new to, and i hope you find what you need on this site, i have and i only joined a week ago, best of luck. :clown:
hey sevensevensare49 with your purple lizardmen did you paint the back scales with a purple or did you just heavily wash coat them.
hi, im thinking of getting some skinks for my army but as i am new to lizardmen i was wanting to know what they should have. should i use them as...
thanks man, theres just so much i was wonderin if you could suggest some that may be helpful, though i doubt there are many non helpful ones.
í think to make some points space you should cut the skirmishers down to 1 unit (maybe with 12-15) and cut down the 29 sauras with spears down to...
i thinkabout 12 skinks with blow pipes to give you some mobile fire support, and maybe one of those units with the 3 kroxigors in the middle to...
sorry if i wasnt clear, i meant colour scheme of you lizardmen do you use the blue of the typical or have you chosen somthing more unique. just...
you've given me some ideas on how to beat my friends who has the empire. thanks and good luck with future games.
thanks, sound great and i will buy a copy as soon as i find it.
Re: Farsights army painting Cant wait for the steggie, but would also like to ask it you have a skink shaman, i would like to see how on is painted.
im new to this so im not sure if what i say is much use but i like the list, i would change 1 salamander to a razordon, i would also add another...
i like the idea of the skink takin the enemy with him :rage: is there a link to this i would love to see it, anyway while i think (with a lot of...
i like the one GW shows but the black needs a skine to it so i think on blades a highlight of codex grey on one edge and a coat of gloss will make...
hi im nightmareius and im new both to this site and to lizardmen, i will be collectin them soon and was wantin to know 3 things from you good...
you guys have inspired me, im about to start collecting some lizardmen and i was think i need somthin different to the plain old blue. you guys...