Jungle is Always a go to , if i was starting my army again i would probably be in the same situation, go with a comon thing or try to think...
Rough week this one , not much time at hands.. hence not many posts . Well.. what have i been up to hobby wyse? My terradons were a complete mess...
Well then , the throne is preety much done! Might add some smaller details but i am pleased with how it came out! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Well then .. The Saurus seem to have smelled new bases with lots of tufts .. so they are slowly moving in to the new terrain and they seem to be...
Errrrm... no :D, but, you can always check the website and get some ahahah ;):p
sorry .. can't resist.. "Spooky scary skeletons Send shivers down your spine Shrieking skulls will shock your soul Seal your doom tonight" xD...
it looks very nice as it is , on the last photo , are those cordages on the brown poles? the ones on the side that hold the leather
Hehe thank you , Im lucky enough to work for GamersGrass. The company that makes the tufts in the bases ,and, it was a gift from them the...
I think i might have a small problem... I might be getting addicted to tufts :D, just going to leave a small preview of the work in progress of...
Hello again everyone , after about... 20hour'ish total work into it..(yes i'm slow! i haz excuse! 5 years without picking up a paint brush :P...
i would love to be able to present some more photos of the ogres but.. unfortunately both forums where i had them seem to have vanished so.. no...
To be honest , those were an experiment , they came from a souvenier beach shop xD , but they kinda fit i guess xD. Thank you all for the...
Very nice looking miniatures! Keep up the good work !
Another bit of progress done on the Carno, slowly taking shape :P [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Got some more updates on the Carnosaur, got another 2 hours into it (i know it might not seem much , but this gradient is hard for me ! xD hope...
A new addition has arrived for my seraphon , after 4 years without being able to paint a single model and play this wonderful game , i finally got...
ye that's my problem =\ he doesent get look out sir =|
ty so much for all the help . i'm rly thinking on going with solo slan that's why i choose that build , droping the cupped hands might be good to...
i like the plaque because most of the time i run him alone . that's why i was choosing it and that's why i placed the priest because i needed a...
one more thing i wanted to know too is if u guys think its a good list for a tournament . I never player 1500 point lizzardmen. would be good...