i would disagree since in the spell description it says it is activated in the close combat phase where as the helm is not so much activated as on...
agreed but reality rarely allows for personel preferance if you want to "compete" in a comp enviroment you need to do certain things would...
well i don't know a whole lot about comp. scores but from what i have heard i would guess that you will get slammed for the 2 stegs i would...
you should have at least 1/3 to be legit for most events at a minimum the front rank i would like to see more
pit of shades if your using a slann blade of realities, charm of jaguar on oldblood and 2 EotG's so as to have the spell to get it off or a have...
i think you wrote that wrong cause you get the 2d6 impact hits on the charge you also get 3 str. 6 hits for the steg and 3 str. 6 hits for the...
this question brings up another can a priest that cast the comet and is waiting for it to land use the rod since he would not be casting but...
i would drop the hide of the cold ones on your hero and just put him on a cold one as you will end up with a better save and have more movment you...
as far as your list goes i would recomend either making both priests lvl. 2 or lvl. 1 the way you equiped them leads me to think they are...
WATCH OUT for reaper bolt throwers in those small games a reaper and a couple units of repeater crossbows is really dangerous and at that size of...
12 maneaters with a tyrant and 2 butchers (all 1 unit) 3 units of bulls a scraplauncher and some gnoblars
you know i kinda agree with the whole idea of armies being cheesy i just look at them and think wow that is a really tough list and then i play...
I was just noticing that if you take out the one temple guard and lose the champion as well as the shield on your scar-vet (he has a great weapon...
the reason it says magic missles is because in the rule book it states that you can cast all other spells in close combat with the restrictions...
i just realized that the only time it wouldn't work is if the character has a weapon with a longer range because then he comes into range earlier...
sacr-vet with BBoC would probally get beat down by a hydra without a unit to back him up i wouldn't try it since they would have outnumber and...
was just looking at this and at the druchii forum and i seen that some evil DE generals take that sword with their lords and that it is legal...
yeah strewart has this one since as soon as a character joins a unit he becomes part of said unit
to straighten this out i looked at the character page lords it says cold one carnosaur choose one and in the description of the horned one it says...