in their rules it says hits that would normally randomize between the beastmasters and the hydra would hit the hydra but since oxytl isn't...
if you flew over the the front of the unit then you could not charge the rear in the same turn as well you can't drop rocks on the same unit your...
Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica it depends on what he will be charging when mounted if i think he is going to be charging a lot of weak enemies like...
i've always found the jaguar standard to be the one to take for the CoR as it all but makes sure that you catch fleeing units and it also sends...
i was just thinking a skink priest with an engine of the gods with bane head wouldn't do too bad against the hero/lord on juggernaut just a...
well assassins are nasty although if you can shoot a unit to death then the assassin dies with them before he is revealed so there is that, also...
no they can not the horned one becomes his mount the general consus is that the horned one is kinda of a waste of points if you want your saurus...
i was just thinking when reading the slann rules if he is in a unit of temple guard he is treated as a large target for purposes of using magic...
i don't know why that would matter the spell is coming from the character if you are saying that then you could also say that it would not work...
i was just thinking i like the idea of a ranked skink unit with krox with a unit of krox flanking that would be a lot of damage for a unit to...
very interisting thought i can't find anything on that the only thing i have come up with is that he is part of the unit not a character so they...
i noticed the fact that people are also forgeting the fact that when a steg charges with a chief you also get the chief's attacks which are far...
one thing i have noticed is that having more units is always a good thing for set-up, with more units it makes it so your opponent doesn't just...
have to agree with kroxigar01 the skaven are potentially one of the most powerful armies out there even without a new book they can field a really...
the things i miss most about the old book are the salamander rules the krox we're better with their charge through skinks rule and str. 7 and i...
skink skirmishers
i would say drop the cheap steg and just take a regular priest lvl 1 or 2 that will give you magic dominace over pretty much anything i would take...
that item is for every spell cast with more than 3 dice, and there are very few spells where you need 4 dice, and i am not sure how the 'free'...
this is not at all how i read the rules the ancient and the reagular treeman have all the same special rules so if a treeman is affected by beast...
i'll do it too sounds good