damn overlooked that i guess that is why
i was just looking at the wood elves book and the treemen only have an Initative of 2 they are very vulnerable to pit of shades and if you break...
just had a thought a war spear on an EotG means that you hit with 2D6 Str 6 impact then you hit with the attacks and then you hit with D6 Str4 no...
the thing that stands out to me is the scar-vet he will not be able to do much of anything he can't really break units by himself he is going to...
yeah i would personally punch anyone that gives you a problem in the junk (granted i'm kinda violent)
against chaos or vampire counts, mabye, mabye i will take him just cause of the character killer that he is but other than that no way is he even...
i agree with dropping chakax i would replace him with a JSoD it is very likely to go off in this list and i would give your priest on foot the...
just a thought as well you might want to consider taking some extra bound items just to stack up the spells against him even more with the list...
in my experiance if you are going to go magic heavy you are better off with a slann and 3 skinks on foot (you get pretty much the same magic) and...
probally the best report i have ever read i really wish there was more to the battle, too bad for our beloved slann and his army but our...
i gotta go for the slann i love his rules i love the backstory of a big fat frog that controls the destiny of the world and you gotta love a giant...
just a thought that is kinda related taking ranked skinks then reforming them like archers and having them pepper the flanks of units since...
Sashu i agree with your concept but it won't work where we play we don't stop at 6 turns mabye i should instate that rule but i don't think i...
yeah it sucks to have 2 characters hold up that much of your army but you have to figure that those 2 characters were probally worth half of your...
most O@G players i have played tend to keep their units of gobbos together with that in mind sacrifice a unit of terries send them close let them...
in the rules of fanatics it says (that they can be released in any direction from any point on the unit and move 2D6") so as long as he rolled big...
although the one use items are of some use here since you will hopefully use them before you get into combat and therefore you don't take the...
to get back on topic, i would proxy the units you are considering using, and even some of the ones your not thinking of, and see what works for...
i guess that i typically build my army by starting with the core choices and general once those are out of the way you can pretty much build how...
i was just thinking that a unit of CoR with a scar-vet costs about as much as EotG and i would say that they usually get more kills off than a...