Aranigej i think that these questions were answered according to the way the game is meant to be played if you read any of their books (army...
i have to say that the thought of steg's being worthless is a rather narrow view it is pretty much the same steg we had in the old book only with...
you know outnumber with fear sounds like a winner to me hell a skink chief to the front with the warspear would stand a chance if he could charge...
i would say yes it does work that is just an added effect because the inital effect is to discard the first miscast then you transfer it to an...
for one the scar-vet can't take arcane items so the diadem is out but just to shake guys up you could take a EotG you would be to only "lvl. 3"...
you know he does go pretty magic light when he takes tyrion but i was thinking mabye get some temple guard to slow him down and try to hit them in...
yeah a cheese list to me would be a slann 3 EotG a unit of temple guard and then 3 units of of skinks to fill out the core but i can see the...
whole unit of dragon princes with a banner that lets them charge across diffucult ground 7 strong plus him
anybody got a good way to beat this guy besides out in the parking lot before he comes in cause when he is in a unit he is damn nigh impossible to...
just a thought if you drop 2 skinks off each unit, the braves, the cold one champion, the great weapon off the scar-vet, you should end up with...
i used to play a guy like that in 40k he would build the cheesiest armies and bring them out, but we noticed that he couldn't adapt well to...
was just thinking watch out for rhinox riders i think that they come in under 150 points and if so they may very well dominate the day and they...
i personally don't use an engine (mostly because i don't have one) or TG (same reason) but i have had pleny of success without either you just...
advantage strewart p.s. not to mention grave guard and blood knight units he might be in
i think this argument is a little off to me, the Revered guardians are more like secret service, where as the Scar-vet's are colonels and generals...
just to stir things up you might go with a chief on a terrie light armour, enchanted shield, piranha blade or BBoC, and spear for the charge or if...
i have to say i was supprised that nobody called out brets on the overpowered list i always thought they were a little too powerful but it is good...
i think he is using the water feature to retreat through if he gets charged since most units can't go through it i have a used this tactic to a...
what about the big rat demon thing they used to have it was about the size of a greater deamon that is about as bad as a dragon
i would run the carno seperate it gives you more options that way if you want to use him with the CoR just run him near them, but if he is...