back on topic i was thinking i remember an issue with skaven shooting into combat where they need to be able to see their target unit and since...
if you want to beat that unit in combat you need to make the herald irrelevent if you hit a flank then he can't make anyone strike last cause he...
i just have to say argueing over anything in a rulebook with as many mmisprints and whatnot is rather futile in my opinion but for the time i...
if channeling does the ring work on the slann or the priest?
dragon price are immune to sallies and all other flaming attacks unless you were recomending close combat with sallies which would just be crazy
ideally you will let the stegs hang back and their troops will hit your troops with your stegs counter charging and your carno taking care of the...
are you saying how much is str 5 worth or movement 6 is worth and so on and such cause if so i got no idea and i think it is a combination of them...
dark elves are tough i would try running a carno against that list it would help tremdoulsy imo he could take out hydras well and would be tough...
i am pretty sure that bret's can't use dogs of war in their rulebook i don't have it on me so i can't say for sure but i am almost positive
you might take a couple of slann's that way the magic phase will belong to you
i second that that is how i travel with my stuff i use the big totes you can get at wal-mart, Kmart, target and such but for a tourny i just use...
Q: can the slann still see as a large target when casting even if not in a unit (it is a little blurry to me)
if you put him between 2 units and run him a little behind them then he should be safe but watch out for tomb kings and dwarfs as their war...
i would take one less steg and add unit of CoR or krox they can keep up but will make you a little more flexable in games plus with all the stegs...
yeah the venom sword is nasty i would hate to go against it with anything, but it is still hard for a assassin to get that wound with only 3...
i have used basal wood before (used it for my giant) and had good success it is just a little thicker is all so it is up to you what you want to...
that is a awesome model not to mention why did we not get a a kroxigar character slot it isn't like it is unprecedented i mean the beastmen got...
Re: 300 point club yeah the corpse cart looks great especially the cape on the wight and out of curisoity where did you get those krox
you know i would put an oldblood up against an assassin, with his armour and ward save plus he can wound him with ease the only problem is killing...
that is a good point you might have something there by RAW but i wouldn't hold my breath on this one as i don't see it holding up in most...