if the faq that came out in jan '09 it says that anything targeted since you are not targeting anything is ok to drop comets and burning head...
i would not take the always strikes first blade since the assasian will strike before you since he has a higher int. i would just give him good...
but as to taking out dragons a tryant with 2 or 3 behind him would be devestating with a great weapon or nasty magic weapon this thread also got...
i would drop the sword of might and take the burning blade of chotec -2 armour and double wounds on treemen is just to good to pass up in this...
i know it is kinda cheesy but can you lob fire into close combat "accidentally" by aiming in such a way that it might overshoot and hit a unit in...
i started in 1999 my friend's cousin had an obscene ammount of 40k stuff he built his own chapter of marines and had a tyranid and eldar and ork...
i've played a lot of ogre battles as them and against them the missle tactic hasn't proven itself very much it seem to be better to charge with...
was also thinking that in going for one of the flanks you could also take a really fast army lots of cold ones and terradons with salamanders for...
what it means is on the turn you want to use the power you roll 2 dice, if it is not 2 ones, you get the ability if it is 2 ones they get the...
repeater crossbows have armor piercing so they do -1 it is not good to see all those arrows coming your way
i have noticed this problem as well
actually if you take the plus one to cast and only roll one dice it is not a bad idea since then you have no chance to miscast which is what it...
no he can't be challenged because of the same reason you can't challenge from the flank the models are not in combat themselves
you also might want to use the mirrored shield in one of your units or on your slann and the cube of darkness with the d3 rerolls spell will...
and on that note does all the skinks attack in a challenge or just the chief since it is all one model
if a steggie (or anything that does impact hits for that matter) charges a unit and gets challenged do the impact hits go to the unit or the challenge
they can only max out with 8 dispel dice so he has been playing you wrong there i just looked at the codex as for what to do against them i would...
i thought that look out sir was for under US 3 i can't remember where i read that though
i assume you mean the little propane torch cause if you were using oxygen and acetling those are good for exploding rocks and melting aluminum in...
yeah it says so in the book