The problem with the great weapon on a mounted unit is that you only get +1 to your strength instead of the +2, always strike last (charge...
and unless stated specifically otherwise, you always have a hand weapon. (brb, p. 56)
According to the BRB (page 57) Javelins are too flimsy to be used in close combat, so I'd guess that the skink also has a hand weapon for close...
BRB: page 56, fighting with hand weapon and shield (infantry). This is the only time you get this bonus, so cavalry with sword and shield or...
(If any of this was addressed by Dalkarius, let me know, he got his post up while I was typing this) Magic items can only be used once per army,...
BRB page 53, under Unbreakable Swarms. Since this thread came up I've been trying to find the rule myself (I knew it was there but like yourself,...
Did you happen to get a better idea of what else you might face at this tournamet? If so, we might be able to offer army by army suggestions with...
Since the priest is only allowed one spawning under current rules, then yes it would be illegal to put the Mark of the Old Ones on him as well....
First, I would like to stress that I'm copying this information off of a PDF released by Games Workshop. These rules are official so they can be...
If you do go that route, I would still spend the points on a musician. A few extra poits for the possible extra +1 for combat resolution is...
Technically, the wording states that the bearer of the item gets the bonus to dispel. But since the new rules do not place a stigma on each wizard...
When you say viable, are you referring to winning lots of matches? or just able to be done through the current rules? You can make a godzilla...
I have the PDF, I just don't know where to put it so everyone else can access it. I pulled it from the UK page before they made it the online...
Actually, I'm sure that Spawning of Quetzl gets the Lore of Death. Tlazcotl gets Lore of Metal. I'd share the PDF if I could actually figure out how.
You missed a small but crucial piece on the JSoD (partially my fault). Usually you also equip him with a great weapon to increase his lethality....
FSoD = Flying Skink of Doom (skink priest w/ cloak of feathers) JSoD = Jaguar Saurus of Doom (Scar Vet or Old Blood w/ jaguar charm) Yes, the...
The problem with the Carnosaur is this: The Dragon can fly. Because of flight, the Dragon will outmanuever your Carnosaur on almost every turn,...
Also, a scouting FSoD may be able to deal with the Repeater Bolt Thrower crewmen. His high movement and flight can get you into combat on turn 1...
Well, there's been some exlpination on fighting Bretts in this: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=180 At 1.5, the only real difference in Bretts is that they...
For 2000 points, you're missing a needed core slot. You're only showing two, and you need three. Also, your saurus unit is oddly sized. You need...