Louisiana, USA. But currently in Germany. Edit: I'm no longer in Germany, now I'm in North Carolina.
At the moment, Yes I believe that this army is legal. You do have over 100 points left to spend for a 1k game though, so here are some...
And if you don't, Terradons are the prime pick to go hunting the war machines. With their smaller than average crew (two or three), Terradons can...
If the rest of the new models are on par with this one, February will be a ver y expensive month for me!
The only thing I will caution you on with the Huanchi saurus is Treesinging. It's the default spell for Wood Elf wizards and it can either move...
The only other downside to the spears is the loss of the extra +1 armor save in close combat. Considering that most generals tend to throw heavy...
OK, I managed to find some of what i was looking for on the main GW "fixed page. Still no Sacred Spawnings, but I've found the Reference Sheet and...
Well, as was pointed out in another post, the UK site got "made better" and as a result, all of their articles and links were lost, to include the...
Made their website "better"? :: goes to check :: ... Those fraggers. I'll try to find the link on one of their other country sites that hasn't...
No. A bolt thrower isn't like a cannon. The bolt hits one unit only, and will only hit more than one model if they are ranked up. By firing at...
Well, 25 saurus in a block seems a bit... high, don't you think? Since 20 gets you all the benefits of ranks, it might be better to lose that...
Welcome to the site. Please feel free to share as many long winded reports as you'd like. It'll be good to see a few unconventional lists to find...
BRB p. 55: Thrown weapons do not suffer the usual to hit penalties for shooting at long range or for moving and shooting. Note, this does not...
I just wanted to sneak in an addition to SohCahToa's suggestion with dropping the BSB. Aside from all the stuff he brought up already, it'll also...
IMO Slann magic is best because it's versitile. Because you can choose from all eight lores, you can find out what your opponent is fielding, then...
Point of reference: Your blocks need US5 to be able to count ranks, so units of 16 aren't going to be all that effective. Either take one out a...
While I know there may be several people who'll come down on the SCoR here, considering what you're trying to do with the army, I understand why...
You can't have the bane head and jag charm on the same guy (both enchanted items). It's a nice idea, but you need to choose one or the other.
Also, Javelins are thrown weapons rather than fired, so they don't take the penalty to hit while moving. This in turn makes the range closer to 14...
How do we normally treat 3rd Gen Slann? They also take up an extra hero slot. Does that count against the character tally too?