I know this issue came up between myself and Stonehamby when I first posted my rapid assault army list. I've tried to find something in the BRB to...
I've been using the UK GW website for some time and I've been watching and using their PDF errata downloads for a while too. I don't think a link...
The only thing I can see an issue with is the venom on all of your Old Bloods. First, if he has the jaguar charm you can't take the venom as...
Spell Suggestions: Lore of Beasts: The Beast Cowers. No range, just requires line of sight. Takes the dragon out of the fight for one turn, and...
Well, the Pit of Shades option is definitely viable. The only thing I'll suggest is that on turn 1, go mage hunting with your chamo skinks and/or...
First thing you should point out to your friend is that the great weapon he's wielding is now only strength 5. He's mounted, so he loses the one...
One thing to remember when facing the dwarves, and especially against an army like the one you described, is that you'll really need to pay...
In the Sacred Host armies, having the one spawning keeps your unit as a core choice, and the second spawning moves them to special. I have the...
1.) Yes, even if the unit you're facing has passed its fear test, they still auto-break if you win combat and outnumber them. (BRB pg 50-51) 2.)...
When did I say this would be the Only army attacking the Vampire Coast? :: evil grin :: In truth, I doubt the Slann would sanction/order an attack...
ninja like skink attack... You're calling my name here. And while this type of army would be really fun to field and fluff wise is something I...
For your mounted Scar Vet, the spear is usually the best option as you get the shield bonus in close combat and the +1 to strength on the charge....
Well, first off on your Killy Scar-Vet, you can't have both the Charm of the Jaguar Warrior and the Venom of the Firefly Frog, as they're both...
Well, the response to this question is going to depend on which version of your caster(s) you have and if you plan on being offensive with the...
Well, in a previous thread I brought up the idea of a Sacred Host of Tzunki that I wanted to try. So after playing with the idea for a while I...
I also had this issue when I was posting my army list. However, after some re-writing, I made sure to copy the list before attempting to submit it...
A point of fact that I don't think you caught is that I don't think you can give the temple guard a sacred spawning. If you could I'd imagine...
Where they're mentioned: BRB p. 202 As of now they're still labelled as one of the "other races," as are the chaos dwarves.
1. I'd have to say that it being "worth it" is all up to you and your style of play. For the most part the difference seems to primarily be fluff,...
Ok, first thoughts... If they're not already built, I'd suggest giving at least half of your skink units javelins and shields, primarily because...